July 26 - August 11, 2024

OPEN 12:00 - 20:00 / CLOSED: Wednesday + Thursday





Our work is born from the infinite data of the digital society, and is an attempt to explore new visual expressions mediated by AI. By materializing images from the virtual world, we aim to create diverse perspectives and new aesthetic values. We visually reconstruct the individual stories contained within each data set, pursuing new meanings at the intersection of digital and real through the complex patterns they weave. This process captures moments where fragments of contemporary society merge and acquire new presence in unexpected forms.

[Exhibition Theme]

「PI PI PI PICNIC」というタイトルの展示は、現代社会の複雑さとその背後に潜む問題を探求する試みです。この展示は、デジタル時代の断片的なコミュニケーションを象徴する「PI PI PI」と、自然とのつながりを取り戻そうとする「PICNIC」を対比させることで、さまざまなテーマを浮き彫りにします。

「PI PI PI」という音は、SNSやチャットアプリでの短いメッセージのやり取りを想起させ、情報の断片化とつながりの希薄さを示唆します。それに対して「PICNIC」は、かつての対面でのコミュニケーションや共同体験を象徴し、現代の断片的なつながりに対するノスタルジアを呼び起こします。この対比を通じて、私たちがどのように人と関わり、どのように情報を受け取るのかを再考する機会を提供します。

さらに、「PICNIC」という言葉は、自然の中での集いを意味し、テクノロジーの進化とともに失われつつある自然とのつながりを回復しようとする試みを表しています。「PI PI PI」という音がテクノロジーや機械音を連想させる一方で、この展示は自然とテクノロジーの融合や対立をテーマにしています。自然の風景の中にデジタル要素を組み合わせることで、現代の生活における二重性とその美しさを視覚的に表現しています。

最も重要なのは、「PI PI PI PICNIC」が社会的なメッセージと皮肉を含んでいる点です。「PICNIC」という言葉が平和で楽しいイメージを喚起する一方で、「PI PI PI」は警告音やアラームのように響き、社会や環境問題に対する警鐘として機能します。


The exhibition titled "PI PI PI PICNIC" is an attempt to explore the complexities of contemporary society and the underlying issues within it. By contrasting "PI PI PI," which symbolizes fragmented communication in the digital age, with "PICNIC," which seeks to reclaim a connection with nature, the exhibition highlights various themes.

The sound "PI PI PI" evokes the brief exchanges on social media and chat apps, suggesting the fragmentation of information and the tenuousness of connections. In contrast, "PICNIC" symbolizes face-to-face communication and shared experiences of the past, invoking nostalgia for more direct connections. Through this juxtaposition, the exhibition offers an opportunity to reconsider how we relate to others and receive information.

Furthermore, the word "PICNIC" signifies gatherings in nature, representing an effort to restore our lost connection with the natural world amid technological advancements. While the sound "PI PI PI" conjures images of technology and machine sounds, the exhibition centers on the fusion and conflict between nature and technology. By integrating digital elements into natural landscapes, it visually expresses the duality and beauty of contemporary life.

Most importantly, "PI PI PI PICNIC" carries social messages and irony. While "PICNIC" evokes peaceful and joyful images, "PI PI PI" sounds like a warning or alarm, functioning as a cautionary note about social and environmental issues.

Through this exhibition, we hope to provide viewers with an opportunity to deeply contemplate the multifaceted issues and beauty of modern life, fostering a new awareness of themselves and society.


1982,1990 日本生まれ 東京を拠点に活動。



Born in Japan in 1982, 1990. Based in Tokyo.

We use digital media, artificial intelligence and other methods to express how technology affects our history, identity, creativity and sensibility. By exploring the recording, manipulation, learning and generative potential of technology, they question the reliability, value, standards and meaning of our memories, self-expression, artistic expression and appreciation.