21st June - 2nd July, 2024
OPEN 12:00 - 20:00 / CLOSED: Wednesday + Thursday
Emily Andersen
The Collectors’ House
These interiors depict a house owned by collectors who have made it a living museum.
China, furniture, paintings and ornamental objects have been carefully selected over the decades.
Emily Andersen
Emily Andersen
Emily Andersen is a London-based artist and graduate of the Royal College of Art. She can photograph a derelict industrial ruin and make beauty of it. She photographs interiors; they may be in New York, Rome or London, the exact place is unimportant. What unifies her vision is the atmosphere and poetry that she evokes. She explores the language of portraiture and notions of time and the representation of memory and investigates the process of translation of everyday life into still images.
Her work has been exhibited in galleries including: The Photographers’ Gallery, London; The Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; The Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh; Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art; Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai; China Arts Museum, Shanghai; and Gwangju Design Biennale, Korea. A number of her portraits are in the permanent collection of The National Portrait Gallery, London.
She has received many awards, including the John Kobal Prize for Portraiture. Her monograph Paradise Lost and Found was published by Hotshoe Books in 2009. Portraits: Black and White was published by Anomie in 2018, and the multi-channel film installation Somewhere Else Entirely that explores the work and life of American-born poet Ruth Fainlight. It premiered at the Bonnington Gallery in Nottingham in March 2023.
Andersen is a Senior Lecturer (part-time) in Photography at Nottingham Trent University.
website: www.andersenphotographic.org
instagram : andersenemily_photography
The Photographers' Gallery(ロンドン)、カナダ現代写真美術館、National Gallery of Canada(オタワ)、スコットランド現代写真美術館、スコットランド国立肖像画美術館(エディンバラ)、マサチューセッツ現代美術館、ジェハンギル美術館(ムンバイ)、中国芸術館(上海)、光陽市立美術館(光陽)またロンドンのナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーのパーマネント・コレクションにも数多くの肖像画が収蔵されています。
ジョン・コバール賞(肖像画部門)をはじめ、多くの賞を受賞。2009年、Hotshoe Booksよりモノグラフ『Paradise Lost and Found』が出版されました。Portraits: Black and White』は2018年にAnomieから出版され、マルチチャンネル・フィルム・インスタレーション「Somewhere Else Entirely」は、アメリカ生まれの詩人であるRobert H. H. H. の作品と生涯を探求するものである。2023年3月には、ノッティンガムのボニントン・ギャラリーで公開されました。